

My Name is Viswa and I am the person behind this company. For the last 8 years, I have been toying with the idea of opening a “Podi Business”(South Indian Spice Blend) as we call it in my home town of Chennai, India. I finally decided the time is now, to setup shop here in my adopted State of New Jersey, USA. Starting a food business, as I have found out, is incredibly hard for safety reasons. There are a lot of rules and regulations involved in ensuring that the food prepared meets all safety standards. Nevertheless, the heart wants what it wants. With my MBA under my hat, a passion for cooking and experience in building eCommerce websites in my day job, I have decided to setup this website as a stepping stone in building my small business. This is a huge work in progress. I appreciate that you took the time to visit to know more about me and my company. You can follow me on my small business journey on Instagram.

Keep in touch, there is more to come

